I get a "Optional parameters must specify a default value. IconLocation = Application.ExecutablePathĪnd everything works. WorkingDirectory = Application.ExecutablePath OShortCut = oShell.CreateShortcut(My. & "\" & PageTitleLabel.Text & ".lnk") ' Requires reference to Windows Script Host Object Modelĭim oShell As IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShellĭim oShortCut As IWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShortcut Optional ByVal eWinStyle As WshWindowStyle = vbNormalFocus, Optional ByVal iIconNum As Integer) Private Sub Create_ShortCut(ByVal sTargetPath As String, ByVal sShortCutPath As String, ByVal sShortCutName As String, _ Once ^Z is shown on the screen, press Enter to save the file and exit.Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.ClickĬreate_ShortCut(Application.ExecutablePath, My., PageTitleLabel.Text, "/url=" & WebBrowserURL.Text, "",, Application.ExecutablePath) We recommend you subscribe to the RSS feed to receive update notifications. This page and associated content may be updated frequently. The Shell Link Binary File Format is the format of Windows files with the extension 'LNK'. link.bat c:windowsnotepad.exe c:windowsdesktop 'c:windowsstart menuprograms' 'A Notepad Shortcut' When the batch file is run with those parameters, it will create a shortcut with. Heres an example command line for the batch file. Once you are ready to create the file, press Enter to get to a blank line, press and hold Ctrl, press Z, and then let go of both keys. Specifies the Shell Link Binary File Format, which contains information that can be used to access another data object. Dont attach the LNK extension to this name, because Windows will do it for you when it creates the shortcut. Upon executing the above command, the cursor moves down one line to a blank line, allowing you to create the new file line by line. If you're running an MS-DOS version 4.x or lower or you cannot use the edit or the start method you can also use copy con to create a file, as shown below. Click Yes, and the file is created or overwritten with the new changes. If you do not have a mouse, see the edit command page for keyboard shortcuts and other navigation tips.Īfter clicking exit, if changes were made, the computer prompts you to save the file. dos (disk operating system)how to create a file to use dos command,copy con command,meaning of copy con command ,other video link what is ip ( internet p. If double-clicked, the short-cut will run Windows Notepad, and open the Windows. After the Visual Basic file finishes running, the short-cut mylink.lnk should exist on the Windows desktop. Open a command window and type wscript makelink.vbs to run it. Once you have typed the information for the file myfile.txt, click File and choose Exit. To run the example, save the code to a file with the extension.

If available and done properly, you'll see a window similar to the example below. Instead of using edit, use the start command mentioned below. 64-bit versions of Windows do not include the edit command.